The Influence of Charging System on Battery Discharge Capacity

The appropriate battery charging system has an important influence on the discharge capacity of the battery. If the charging depth is shallow, the discharge capacity will be correspondingly reduced. If overcharged, the battery will affect the chemical active substances, causing irreversible damage. Reduce battery capacity and life. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate charging rate, upper limit voltage and constant voltage cut-off current to ensure that charging efficiency and safety and stability can be optimized while charging capacity is realized.
TOB can provide a full set of battery and battery pack charge and discharge tester for electrode materials research, battery performance test, small-scale battery formation, capability grading, battery pack testing and etc.
battery tester
battery pack testing system
At present, the constant current and constant voltage charging mode is mostly used for power lithium ion batteries. By analyzing the constant current and constant voltage charging results of lithium iron phosphate system and ternary system batteries under different charging currents and cut-off voltages, it can be seen that :
(1) when the charging cut-off voltage is constant, the charging current increases, the constant current ratio decreases, the charging time decreases, but the energy consumption increases;
(2) when the charging current is constant, the constant current charging ratio decreases with the reduction of the charging cut-off voltage, and the charging capacity and energy decrease. To ensure the battery capacity, the charging cut-off voltage of lithium iron phosphate battery should not be lower than 3.4v. It is necessary to balance charging time and energy loss, and choose the right charging current and cut-off time. The consistency of each individual SOC largely determines the discharge capacity of the battery pack, while balanced charging provides the possibility to achieve similar initial SOC platform of each individual discharge, which can improve the discharge capacity and discharge efficiency (discharge capacity/configuration capacity).
The balance mode in charging refers to the balance of the power battery in the charging process. Generally, the balance starts when the battery battery's single voltage reaches or exceeds the set voltage, and the overcharging is prevented by reducing the charging current.

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