TOB Laboratory Glove Box Solutions

TOB offers a complete range of glove box equipment solutions for battery R&D labs and manufacturing research. Built using best-in-class components, our UL-certified laboratory glove boxes deliver the consistency and functionality required for Battery R&D and lab-scale production. They are ideally suited for use in Universities and Research Laboratories focused on energy storage technologies.
This Laboratory Glove Box is dedicated only for lithium battery assembly. It is filled with argon gas. All materials must be pre-approved by staff before using in this glove box. Materials may only be placed in/removed using one of the two antechambers located on the right side of the tool.
The research glove box is filled with Ar gas with both O2 and H2O concentration less than 1ppm. Please inform postdoc/students if either concentration is higher than 0.5 ppm. Users just need to bring their own electrodes. All other parts for battery assembly are already in the glove box:
Standard coil cell CR2032
Lithium foil (99.9%, Alfa Aecar )
Separator (Celgard 3501)
Electrolyte (1M LiPF6 in carbonate/diethycarbonate (EC/DEC, 1:1), Novolyte Technilogies)
These solutions can be custom designed and manufactured to meet the exact specifications of customers. To discuss your custom glove box requirements, please contact a TOB Battery Engineer.
Company web:
Contact person:Icy Liao (Engineer & Sales)
